Urinary tract |
The urinary system, also known as the renal system or urinary tract, consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra. The purpose of the urinary system is to eliminate waste from the body, regulate blood volume and blood pressure, control levels of electrolytes and metabolites, and regulate blood pH.
It consists of the following structure first -------
Two kidney
It is secret the urine.
Two ureter
Which is convey the urine from kidney to the urinary bladder.
Urinary bladder
The urinary bladder urine collect and temporally stored.
the urethra through which the urine is discharge from the urinary bladder to the exterior.
Function of the urinary system
- Formation and secretion of urine.
- Production and secretion of the erythrocytes position (RBC formation) the hormone that control.
- Production secretion of renin and important enzyme in the central of BP.
- Urine stored in the bladder and excreted by the process of micturition.
The kidney lies on the posterior abdominal wall on each side of the vertebra Kollam. Behind the peritoneum and below the diaphragm.
Kidney extend from dham 12 to the three lumber vertebra. The right kidney usually slightly lower then the left kidney aur are bean shaped Oregon about 11 centimetre long 6cm wide and 3 cm thick and weight 150 gm.
The gross structure of kidney
Internally, the kidney has three regions—an outer cortex, a medulla in the middle, and the renalpelvis in the region called the hilum of the kidney. The hilum is the concave part of the bean-shape where blood vessels and nerves enter and exit thekidney; it is also the point of exit for the ureters.
- Medullary
- Renal capsule
- Renal cavity
Neurone -- it is the unit of the nervous system.
Nephron -- it is the fundamental structure functional unit of kidney.
The helium is the the concave medical border of the kidney where the renal blood vessels and lymph vessels the ureter and nervous inter and leave.
The renal pelvic is the funnel shape structure that act as a repeatable four urine from by the kidney. It is number of has digital branch called calyces.
Medullary pyramid
Minor calyces
Major calyces
Renal pelvic
Microscope structure of kidney
The kidney is composed of of about one million functional unit the nephron and smaller number of collecting duct.
The nephron -- the nephron consists of tubules closed of at one and , the other and opening into a collecting tubules.
The closed behind frop cap shaped glomerular capsule. the containing from the glomerular the reminder of the nephron is about 3 cm long and described in three part ----
- The proximal convuluted tubules.
- The medullary loop .
- The distance convoluted tubules.
Each of the two of the urator transport urine from renal pelvic for the one kidney to urinary bladder Peristalsis contraction of the muscular valve of the ureter push pull stop two birds urinary bladder the ureter are 25 - 30cm long ,thick wall narrow tube that vary from 1mm to 10mm.
The layer of ureter
It is a three layer of ureter----
- An outer layer (fibrous layer)
- Middle muscular layer
- Inner mucosal layer
Urinary bladder
It is a pear shaped to muscular sac which act as reservoir for urine.
It is lie in the pelvic cavity behind the symphysis pubis .
The lower part of the bladder is neck and the upper part of the bladder fundus.
The posterior is the base it's size and position vary depending upon volume of the urine it contains.
The bladder is made of three layer
- Mucosal
- Submucosa
- Muscular
It is a canal by which urine passes from the bladder to be outside it differ in the male.
Male urethra
It is about 20 centimetre in length it consist of three part ----
- Pelvic part
- Perineal part
- Penis part
Female urethra
It is short and measure about 4 cm in length it starts form base of the bladder it open externally infront of vaginal opening .
Is act from passing urine when ok you later in the bladder. It produced stitching of its role racing the pressure in the bladder is occur when 170 to 230 ml of urine has collected in the bladder. Stitching occur due to construction of muscular coat of the bladder and relaxation .
Composition of urine
Volume ---- 1 to 2 litre
Colour ------ pale
PH ----- 6 (percentage of hydrogen)
Specific gravity ---- 1010 to 1025
Urine consists of H2O --- 96%
Uria --- 2%
Uric acid & salt --- 2%
Formation of urine
Formation of urine bike kidney involve in three process ------------
- Glomerular filtration
- Tubular reabsorption (selective reabsorption)
- Tubular filtration
Glomerular filtration
Glomerular filtration of water and other substance occur in the glomerular filtration. That is formed after filter about 100 ml per minute this filtrate food passes into the proximal involuted tubules.
Selective reabsorption
The filtrate food passes through the proximal to do loop and selective reabsorption occur in the useful ions and mineral reabsorbed from the nephron and add in the the blood stream.
Tubular secretion
It is an active process in which the substance which are not required and harmful of the body are excreted out from the nephron to the collective duct.
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