Nervous system

Definition  The nervous system consists of brain coma spinal cord peripheral nerve. The nerves health to transmit the message grow the impulses from different part of the body to the brain and spinal cord. The nervous system in divided in following part------- Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system Autonomic nervous system Central nervous system It consists then and spinal cord. Peripheral nervous system It consists of fall nervous outside the brain or spinal cord. Autonomic nervous system It consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic. Neurone  The nervous consist of vast number of cell called neurone. Neurone is the structural and fundamental unit of the nervous system Play Store the neurone are supported by a special type of connective tissue is called neuroglia, each neurone have a cell body and its process. Cell body The nerve cell are vary considered size and shape but they are too small cell body from the grey matter of The nervous ...



The liver is largest gland of the body , 
weighting about 1 - 2.3kg . It is situated in the upper part of the abdominal cavity 
Occupying the greater part of the right hypochondriac region .

                Blood Supply

The hepatic artery and the portal vein take 
Blood to the liver venous blood by a variable number of hepatic vein that leaves
the posterior surfaces and immediately inter the inferior vena cava just below the 

        Function of the liver

The liver is an external organ which has many important function ------

1. Carbohydrates metabolism 
2. Fat metabolism
3. Protein metabolism 
4. Production of heat 
5. Secretion of beli 

  Carbohydrates metabolism 

The liver has an important role in maintaining plasma glucose level rise glucose is converted to glycogen for storage 
Under the influence of the hormone insulin . Later , when glucose level fall the hormone glycogen stimulate conversion or glycogen in to glucose again , keeping level within the normal range .

            Fat metabolism

Stored fat can be converted to a form in which it can be used by the tissue to provide energy .

       Protein metabolism

1. Breakdown nuclear acid to form uric            acid ,which is excreted in the urine .
2. Remove the nitrogenous protein from            amino acid that are required for the              formation of new protein . Urea is                  formed from this nitrogenous protein            and is excreted in urine .

         Production of heat 

The liver uses a considerable amount of 
energy has a high metabolic rate and 
consequently produces a great deal of heat .
It is the main heat producing organ of the 
body .

            Secretion of beli

The hepatocytes synthesis the beli from the 
mixed arterial and venous blood these 
include beli salt , beli pigment and cholesterol .
Storage -- Stored substance include -----
1. Glycogen
2. Fat - soluble vitamins A,D,E,K
3. Iron , copper
4. Some water soluble vitamins 
E.g - vitamin B12

         Composition of beli 

Between 500ml and 1000ml of beli is secreted by the liver daily beli consist of ----

1. Water 
2. Mineral salt 
3. Mucus 
4. Beli pigment , mainly belirubin 
5. Beli salt 
6. Cholesterol


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