Nervous system

Definition  The nervous system consists of brain coma spinal cord peripheral nerve. The nerves health to transmit the message grow the impulses from different part of the body to the brain and spinal cord. The nervous system in divided in following part------- Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system Autonomic nervous system Central nervous system It consists then and spinal cord. Peripheral nervous system It consists of fall nervous outside the brain or spinal cord. Autonomic nervous system It consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic. Neurone  The nervous consist of vast number of cell called neurone. Neurone is the structural and fundamental unit of the nervous system Play Store the neurone are supported by a special type of connective tissue is called neuroglia, each neurone have a cell body and its process. Cell body The nerve cell are vary considered size and shape but they are too small cell body from the grey matter of The nervous ...

Endocrine system

  • Pituitary gland
  • Pineal gland
  • Thyroid gland 
  • Parathyroid gland
  • Thymus gland
  • Adrenal gland
  • Pancreas gland
  • Ovary gland ( female)
  • Testes gland (male)
Endocrine system
Endocrine system

The endocrine gland consist of gland

The endocrine consist of gland widely separated from each other with no physical connection and gland are group of secretary cells surrounded by an extensive network of capillaries that facilities diffusion of hormones .
The hormones is chemical messenger from the secretary cells into the blood stream. They are also referred to as ductless gland because hormones diffuse directly into the blood stream to target tissue and organ that maybe quite distant where they influence cell  growth and metabolism .

Different between exocrine and endocrine 


  • Ductless 
  • Secret direct in the blood
  • Secret the hormone 


  • Having less
  • Secrete on epithelial surface the tissue 
  • Secret the enzyme 

Growth hormone (GH)

Growth hormone stimulate growth and division of most body cell but specially those in the bone and skeletal muscle. Its release in stimulate by growth hormone releasing hormone and suppressed by growth hormone release inhibiting hormone are secreted by the hypothalamus . The secretion of growth hormone is greater at night during in sleep and is also stimulated by hypoglycemia exercise and anxiety .

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

It is a secreted by the the anterior lobe aur duty gland. It release is stimulated by the thyroid releasing hormone from the hypothalamus the hormone from the thyroid stimulate hormone stimulate the hormone of thyroid gland which are T3 and T4 .

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

It is secreted by the anterior growth of pituitary gland corticotropin releasing hormone from the hypothalamus the adrenocorticotropin hormone increase the concentration of cholesterol and steroid with in the adrenal cortex and the output steroid hormone. 
Adrenocorticotropic level are highest at about morning and fall two there lowest about midnight. 

Gonadotropin (sex hormone)

After puberty two gonadotropin hormone are secreted by the anterior lobe of pituitary. These are different male and female. 

In male -- the lutilising hormone and the secretion of testosterone hormone. 

In female -- The lutilising hormone and the follicle secretion hormone(FSH) of oestrogen and progesterone during the menstrual cycle.

Prolactin hormone 

The prolactin stimulate lactation milk production and has a direct effect on the press immediately after the child birth. The secretion of prolactin hormone stimulated by prolactin releasing hormone from the hypothalamus.

Posterior pituitary 

Antidiuretic hormone -- the main effect of antidiuretic hormone visit to reduce urine output (diuresis the production of large volume of urine) antidiuretic hormone on the distal convoluted tubules and collective ducting of the nephron of the kidney it increase there permeability and more of the the glomerular filtrate reabsorbed.

Pituitary gland 

The pituitary gland the hypothalamus as unit regulating the activity of most of the the other endocrine gland. The pituitary gland lies in the hypophyseal fossa of the shaped. Bone blue the hypothalamus to which attached by a stalk. It is size of a pea.
Weight about 500 mg and consists of two main part that originate from different type of cells.
  • Interior
  • Posterior
Anterior lobe of lottery pituitary  is called adenohypophysis posterior of the pituitary is called neurohypophysis.

Thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is situated in the hack in front of the larynx and trachea at the level of the 5th, 6th, 7th cervical and first thoracic vertebra. It is a highly vascular gland that weight about 25 gram and easy surrounded by a fibrous capsule.
The log are roughly cone shaped about 5cm long and 3cm wide.

Thyroxine and tri - idothyroxine 

Iodine is essential for the formation of the thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormone 
are released improve into the blood directly through the thyroid gland which is stimulated by thyroid stimulating hormone from the the anterior lobe of pituitary gland.


This hormone secretion by C - cell of the thyroid gland act bone and kidney to reduce the blood calcium level when it is rised it reduced the reabsorption of calcium from bone and inhabiting of reabsorption of calcium by the renal tubules (kidney).

Parathyroid gland

There are four small parathyroid gland each weighing about 50gm embedded in the anterior surface of each lobe of thyroid gland. There are surrounded by connective tissue capsule.

Function of parathyroid gland

  1. This gland secret parathyroid hormone secretion in regulated by the blood level of calcium this fall secretion of parathyroid hormone increase.
  2. Muscle concentration
  3. Transmission
  4. Blood clotting

Adrenal gland (suprarenal gland)

There are two Adrenal gland are situated on the upper part of each kidney. These are about 4 centimetre long and 3 sentimeter thickness. The gland are composed of two parts which different in structure and function. The outer part is called adrenal cortex and inner part is called is adrenal medulla.

Adrenal cortex -- it is secreted dear groups of steroid hormone commonly  adeno corticoid hormone (corticosteroids).

  • Glucocorticoid
  • Minralo corticoid 
  • Sex hormone 

Glucocorticoid -- glucocorticoid have metabolism effect and these include -----

  • Glyconeogenesis (formation of new sugar).
  • Hyperglycemia pased blood glucose lable .
  • Hypolysis 

Minralo corticoid -- it maintains water and electrolight valence in our body it is stimulated and represent of sodium by renal tubules and excretion of potassium of urine.

Sex hormone -- sex hormone secreted by adrenal cortex are mainly and oestrogen in female these hormone produce by the testes ovaries in late puberty an adulthood.

Adrenaline and noradrenaline function 

Together they potentiate the fight and flight response by ----------

  • Increasing heart beat
  • Increasing blood pressure 
  • Deleting pupils 

Pancreatic islets 

The endocrine pancreas consist of clusters of cell know as pancreatic islets.
Scattered though out the gland pancreatic hormone are directly in to the blood stream and circulate through out the body.
There are three main types of cells in the pancreatic islets --------

Alpha cell -- Which is secreted glucagon.

Beta cell -- Which is secreted insulin.

Delta cell -- Which is secreted somatostatin.


Glucogen secretion is stimulated by a low blood glucose navel and exercise and described by somatostatin and insulin.


It is secreted by the beta cell.
The important function of the insulin is to decrease the blood glucose level by -----

Somatostatin -- it is secreted by the delta cell. It maintain the balance the secretion of glucogen and insulin.

Pineal gland

The pineal gland is situated below the hypotension third ventricle.
It is surrounded by the capsule it is about
10mm in length and colour red is brown melatonin.
The melatonin hormone secretion by the hormone in influence by the amount of length entering in the eyes stimulated the optimum pathway.
The function of melatonin hormone but it the growth and development of self organs.

Ovary gland

Ovarian is a part of the female genital or female reproductive system. Women have ovaries on either side of the uterus. It is about 3.5 cm long and 2 cm wide in size. On top of this, there are nerves of the ovaries that attract eggs to themselves. Ovarian color is pink. It turns light white as it ages. In old age it shrinks and becomes smaller. Their main function is to make eggs and to stimulate fluid and hormones. The main hormones of ovarian are estrogen and progesterone. It does no work before menstruation (menstruation) is established. But after menstruation, every month, the eggs are formed and released, which together with spermatozoa, conceive.

Testes gland

There is a sac under the testicle. This is called the scrotum. The skin of this bag is loose. Which hangs higher in summer and shrinks in winter and becomes smaller. There are testes inside it, their main function is to make sperm and male stimulated fluid. Men who work in front of fire take bath with hot water. They tie the briefs more tightly. Sperm from their testicles can be produced in small quantities or not.

The testicle is 5 cm in length and 2.5 cm in width. There is a lot of circulation of blood in it. The testicles on both sides are connected by a tube. Which is called vas deference and on the other hand they are connected to other gland. Which are called seminal vesicles.


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